Since Democrats won the United States House of Representatives, environmentalist gangsters are planning some major lobbying and campaign efforts in the coming new year. According to the Washington Examiner:

NRDC wants the Democratic leadership to “scrutinize” the actions of the Trump administration, both from a policy perspective, and in terms of the scandals that have characterized the administration’s environmental policy, said [government affairs director] Unruh Cohen.

Some environmentalists, though, would also like to build support for a bipartisan climate policy with Republicans, thinking that the Democratic House could create an opening for narrowly targeted legislation to gain bipartisan support.

The mean greenies also plan on urging the House of investigate President Trump’s rollback of EPA emissions rules through oversight and investigations. Groups tied to Al Gore will also be pushing the Green New Deal boondoggle to reward wind and solar manufacturers with lavish subsidies while hoping to drive fossil fuel powered energy plants out of business.

Environmentalist thugs also hope to not only target energy Secretary Rick Perry but also to single out President Trump’s Interior Department policies like the recently enacted relaxation of endangered species protections and allowing more drilling on federal lands.

All in all, environmentalists will be working in conjunction with Democrats to make President Trump’s life a living hell. Hopefully, the President has some tricks up his sleeve he can use to fend off the attacks. But it is going to be a brutal two years, and this should demonstrate the insanity of the Left once they are put back in charge again and that they have no intentions of being civil despite their assurances.