Despite some parts of Texas having remarkable parallels to the Golden State in terms of rolling blackouts, ironically enough, fossil fuel-powered helicopters will probably be used to de-ice state windmills like was demonstrated in Sweden during 2014.

Even electric-powered drones can de-ice windmills too.

Also, one other lesser known danger during the winter season associated with windmill turbines is known as ice throw. According to The New York Times:

“…[A] 2006 publication by G.E. Energy, a maker of large wind turbines, warns that “rotating turbine blades may propel ice fragments some distance from the turbine — up to several hundred meters if conditions are right.

”Its recommendations include placing fences and warning signs around turbines, and locating them a safe distance from buildings or roads. They also recommend deactivating turbines when ice begins to form.

A Swiss report last year, titled “Wind Turbine Ice Throw Studies in the Swiss Alps,” focused on a turbine near a ski area. That report found ice throw to be a “significant safety risk.” The most dangerous place for ice was underneath the turbine, but about 5 percent of fragments landed more than 80 meters — or 260 feet — from the turbine.”

Fossil fuel companies are constantly accused by environmentalists of covering up or lying about the risks associated with their products. However, ice throw is a clear hazard to human beings resulting from an energy source greens successfully lobbied for and promised would be safer.

Now Texas’ example doesn’t just reveal that so-called renewables aren’t just a means to kill off humans by denying people the abundant energy they need to stay alive and prosper but, under the right weather conditions, windmills can seriously injure or kill humans too.