Obviously emboldened by their win getting so many goodies with the so-called Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), environmentalists are looking to enhance their fortunes. From Yahoo News:

The petitioners argue that the Clean Air Act requires the EPA to regulate pollution from residential and commercial furnaces.

“The Clean Air Act says, in the text we cite a few times throughout the petition, that if the administrator finds that a source contributes significantly to pollution that endangers the public health, then the administrator must list the source and set standards,” Amneh Minkara, Sierra Club’s building electrification campaign deputy director, told Yahoo News. “Our petition makes the case, and I think it’s a pretty compelling case that these appliances meet both of those criteria. And so we think that the EPA administrator must list the source.” 

In a recent commentary, Professor of Law, Vermont Law School, Patrick Parenteau, observes that while the IRA has given the EPA new authority attempting to address the West Virginia vs. EPA Supreme Court ruling striking down the agency’s authority regarding regulating greenhouse gasses, but it may be fruitless or not enough for environmentalists. No doubt any such opening given to the EPA regulating emissions will be subjected to litigation.

However, a recent article in Politico reveals that environmentalists and utility companies are colluding to implement green energy policies which is the reason for the green lobby advocating restricting commercial and residential use of natural gas. It also explains Gina McCarthy’s recent departure from the White House.

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