Greenpeace tries to slander climate scientist

A curious post at the blog of Dr. Roy Spencer who is a is a climatologist and Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Dr. Spencer is attending a climate change conference in Washington DC when he was approached by a well-dressed individual who asked to talk to him. Dr. Spencer gave him the benefit of the doubt and decided to engage in which gave this assessment of the conversation:

The conversation began innocently enough, but then after 10 minutes of smiling accusations and baseless assertions, I was getting a little annoyed.

He even asked me if I considered him a “global warming Nazi“. I said, no, and explained the history of my use of that label (which I still stand by).

I said it’s obvious we are at opposite ends of the spectrum and tried to extricate myself from the conversation.

Then one of the conference staff and a security guard approached and said, basically, do you know this young man has a mic on him, and the young lady sitting across the way has a video camera recording your conversation?

Well, no I didn’t! How utterly delightful…and professional!

The Greenpeace activists tried to entrap Dr. Spencer into making statements either to misquote or to edit the video. This kind of activity is not limited to Greenpeace, other environmentalist groups do this as well. Animal rights activists for groups, like PETA, are notorious not only for trespassing on slaughterhouse and medical lab grounds but also for editing videos or showing footage of anima-related businesses other than the ones they claim the footage was shot. This done in order to skew events on camera they claim are evidence of animal abuse.

Greenpeace seeks to project themselves as being all pure and honest but it is all a facade. I have written numerous times about the group exposing their lies which demonstrates that they have no regard for the truth or human life. It is small wonder why Dr. Patrick Moore has denounced the group he helped establish as evil.

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