Colorado Governor Jared Polis’s husband Marlon Reis is heading up an effort in Colorado to, essentially, shut down animal agriculture in the state by bolstering animal rights legislation. Reis’s intent (being done with the full knowledge and approval of his husband) to drive rural Colorado residents to reside in cities. This, in turn, dilutes their votes to favor Democrats, makes it harder to earn a living, and helps undermine their opposition’s base.

The war on rural Colorado: The animal rights legislation circus

Rachel Gabel, The Fence Post

Colorado’s First Gentleman Marlon Reis has long been forthright about his commitment to veganism and his dedication to fight for the rights of animals and his involvement in and support of legislation thus far in the session both in testimony and on social media has reflected that.

The Humane Pet Act, HB20-1084, which failed on a 6-5 vote in the House Rural Affairs and Agriculture Committee, would have prohibited the sale of dogs and cats in public places or by pet stores, also would have limited breeders to keeping, housing, or maintaining more than 25 dogs, cats, or any combination of more than 25 dogs and cats that are more than 6 months of age and have not undergone sterilization. Bill language also specified enclosure flooring types, limits litters per year, and mandated exercise as well as required engagement in “mentally stimulating and social behaviors.”

Reis said in a social media post that the failure of the Humane Pet Act taught proponents of animal rights that groups opposed to such bills are organized and vocal. He also indicated that the public’s understanding that USDA-licensed facilities and humanely raised animals are synonymous is untrue.

In addition to the Humane Pet Act, Reis is a vocal supporter of SB20-125, Prohibit Exotic Animals in Traveling Performances. Sponsored by Sen. Joann Ginal, D-District 14, without bipartisan sponsorship, the bill was heard on Feb. 13, 2020, by the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources committee.

The bill prohibits the use of exotic animals in a traveling animal act, and places restrictions on months of use for an animal used as part of an environmental education program that meets certain standards of accreditation. The bill excludes pet animals, livestock and alternative livestock, defined by statute as domesticated elk or fallow deer.

In his testimony, Reis asked committee members to support the bill and keep in mind the years stolen from animals in the name of entertainment.