Study: Young People Having Fewer To No Children Due To Climate Change

In order to have a healthy, free society, populations need to be of a sufficient size in order to sustain them. Unfortunately, in recent years, the trend is turning against that notion. A study published three years ago in Lancet Planet Health sheds some light on the downward trend in domestic childbirths.

Collin Pearsall has friends who have started having children. But he has chosen a different path — due, in large part, to climate change.

Pearsall worries about the greenhouse gas emissions a child would add to a planet already experiencing the effects of rising temperatures.

And he is concerned about the impact climate change would have on the child: “the feeling of impending doom, every day, for their whole life.”

When he and his wife discussed having kids, he said, they found they were on the same page: “Why would we want to bring a child into the world with no consent as to whether they want to (deal with) all these problems?”

The Chicago Tribune says that the Lancet manuscript found that 36% of teens and young adults were hesitant to have children due to climate change. This is no surprise considering today’s political and social climate.

While boys and young men were being scolded in educational institutions for their toxic masculinity. girls and young women were being convinced they didn’t need a man or family to be happy. The other indoctrination was teaching kids to hate their existence or literally scaring children to death because they are a threat to the planet.

None the less, the left opposes children because they are anti-human (except for themselves of course) and destroying the nuclear family is the surest way to achieve and maintain power. There are indications that their successes in the culture war may have only been temporary.

It is a huge investment of time, money and effort to raise children but the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. None the less, this kind of conditioning is another version of anti-natalism and since the young people featured in this news story can change their mind, the one redeeming fact is that younger generations are trending to want to take up the kind of traditional values many generations prior neglected or lost, including having a family and raising kids.

The lesson the left never learns is that you cannot change human nature. However, the destruction they’ve wrought on our civilization and culture results in people losing confidence in them and lower birth rates including ruined lives are the result.


One thought on “Study: Young People Having Fewer To No Children Due To Climate Change

  1. When I was a young adult the drumbeat against reproducing was the threat of nuclear war. Then all the starving people in the world, overpopulation were reasons to not have families. Then the rationale for childlessness was acid rain, the ozone layer, a new ice age, etc. The message has been basically the same over the years but today the delivery is different. Current young adults are bombarded with doomsday warnings not just on the evening news but social media. It’s hard to think logically under the avalanche of propaganda.

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